Riga International Airport

Riga International Airport

RIGA Airport - the largest airport in Latvia and the Baltic States, as well as a rapidly growing Northern European air traffic hub. RIGA Airport is one of the oldest cooperation partners of BISS, cooperation which was started already in 2010.  Effective airport parking management is pivotal for ensuring seamless and integrated services to travelers, facilitating hassle-free entrance and guidance within the airport premises. Recognizing this need, RIGA Airport embarked on a transformative journey with BISS to revolutionize its parking infrastructure.

Project Overview

  • A tailored parking management system for both short-term and long-term parking across more than 6000 spots, divided into four zones with unique rules
  • An entirely automated, contactless operation utilizing advanced ANPR technology for efficient entry and exit
  • Implementation of free space recognition technology paired with navigational screens in P3 parking to guide drivers effortlessly
  • A variety of payment solutions enabling payments at pay stations, advance booking via a third-party reservation system, and automatic or manual start/stop payments through the Mobilly mobile app, triggered by license plate recognition
  • Comprehensive reporting capabilities to accurately bill tenants like car-sharing companies, loyalty program members, VIP clubs, and taxis, based on their parking usage
  • Integration of parking payments with electric vehicle (EV) charging, streamlining the process for users
  • Comprehensive 24/7 support and regular technical maintenance to ensure system reliability and performance
  • Seamless integration with various internal systems for enhanced reporting capabilities, facilitating better decision-making
  • A streamlined approach for operations personnel to remotely manage and resolve issues, ensuring uninterrupted traffic flow and a superior user experience.  

Facts & Figures

  • Location: Latvia, Riga
  • Installation Year: 2010
  • Annual Access: Over 1,500,000 entries per year

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